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8-Basil + Lavender

Erikka Gray

I specifically remember everything about creating Basil + Lavender. It felt like I had tested over 29 scents before I found one that I like. Once I created this scent I knew I has something special. I was stressed out and feeling depressed over the closing of my store and  I felt like I needed something to keep me calm and bring me comfort. Once I perfected the scent I burned it everyday all day, and I still do. It was something about the unlikely mixture of the scents that just worked. 

Basil + Lavender is my everyday go to scent. When I working, listening to music  or creating new scent for clients I always get started with #8.  

For the photoshoot my goal was to show Lauren in her natural state with her Music and her guitar. It was the easiest shot to get through because the vibe was so natural. I think the pictures speak for themselves. 

If you haven’t tried 8-Basil + Lavender I encourage you to give it a try!  

Take a moment to catch up on the inspiration behind the shoot on our YouTube channel! We look forward to your feedback! We also talked about staying calm and keeping good energy around you. How do you stay calm and keep good energy around you. 


Basil lavender