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Luxury Soy Handmade Scented Candles Created by a woman and black owned company. Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils and fragrances will help you relax, unwind and create new memories.

Let It Burn-Relaxation scented candle Experience


Let It Burn-Relaxation scented candle Experience


Our Let It Burn experience is designed to pair one of our signature scented candles with a sage smudge stick, linen/room spray. Burning our candle paired with smudging is a great way to refresh, revive and rejuvenate any space. Our spray can be used externally on your pillow before bedtime to relax your mind prior to bed.

Let our scented candle set the mood while the benefits of smudging reset the room. Then use our spray to seal the deal.

Candle Scent:
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